Every 3 years, a new Parliament is elected into the Australian state of Victoria. To celebrate the 59th Parliament, the Victorian Liberal Party commissioned me to take a photo of all members from the Upper and Lower house. The photo is taken on the Victorian Parliament steps and features:
Top Row: (Left toRight)
Mr Tim McCurdy, Mr Tim Smith, Mr Brad Battin, Mr Neale Burgess, Mr CraigOndarchie, Mr Danny O’Brien, Mr Gary Blackwood
Third Row: (Left toRight)
The Hon. Tim Bull, Ms Bridget Vallence, Ms Melina Bath, Mr BruceAtkinson, Mr David Southwick, Mr James Newbury, The Hon. Ryan Smith, Mr BradRowswell, Mr Bernie Finn, Mr Bill Tilley
Second Row: (Left toRight)
The Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips, Mr Richard Riordan, The Hon. MaryWooldridge, The Hon. David Davis, Ms Louise Staley, The Hon. Edward O’Donohue,The Hon. Matthew Guy, Ms Emma Kealy, Mr Neil Angus
Front Row: (Left toRight)
Mrs Bev McArthur, Ms Roma Britnell, The Hon. Nick Wakeling, Mr DavidMorris, Ms Georgie Crozier, Ms Cindy McLeish, The Hon. Michael O’Brien, TheHon. Peter Walsh, Ms Steph Ryan, The Hon. Kim Wells, The Hon. Wendy Lovell, TheHon. David Hodgett